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VA Negligence and Malpractice Issues – What can be done?

header-logoRecent news stories have focused our attention on VA facilities across the country.  Heartbreaking stories of abusive and negligent care resulting in unnecessary deaths of veterans cause all of us with loved ones in VA facilities to worry about whether the VA can be held accountable should the unthinkable happen.  Our veterans deserve the best care available.  To survive their selfless service to our country only to be injured by the negligence or abuse of persons charged with their care is just not acceptable.

This is an especially poignant issue as we approach Memorial Day, a time to remember those who have died in service to their country.

Be aware that, if your loved one is or has been a resident in a VA nursing home who experiences or has experienced negligent or abusive care resulting in significant injury or even death, there is a process by which a cause of action for medical malpractice or wrongful death can be brought against the VA.  Time is of the essence as there are specific notice requirements in cases against a governmental agency like the VA.

Get the help you need.

Please contact Rosen & Spears if you have any questions or concerns in this regard.


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About the author

Rosen & Spears is a plaintiff law firm which seeks to protect the rights of healthcare consumers and their loved ones through medical malpractice, nursing home neglect, financial abuse of seniors, and other types of claims. For more information, please contact us