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Make sure the facility knows how to contact you in an emergency.

At Rosen & Spears,  The nursing home may claim they called the numbers they had for contacts, but could not reach anyone. Loved ones often feel valuable time has passed when they should have been notified and involved in making decisions.Upset Woman Reading A Text Message

It is very important that contact information on file with the facility be kept current. Check to be certain that the facility has the correct contact information for you in case of an emergency, and let them know you want to be notified immediately of emergency situations or other incidents involving your loved one.

It is a good idea to provide a handwritten or typed sheet listing the primary contact’s name, work and home telephone numbers, and cell phone number, as well as the same information for at least one alternate contact.  You may want to date the sheet to be sure the facility is using the most current information.  Be sure to update the sheet whenever your or the back-up person’s contact information has any changes.

Federal regulations require nursing homes to contact the persons designated as contacts in the event of emergencies or significant changes. If they do not, it should be reported to the agency in your state that is responsible for regulation of nursing homes.


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About the author

Rosen & Spears is a plaintiff law firm which seeks to protect the rights of healthcare consumers and their loved ones through medical malpractice, nursing home neglect, financial abuse of seniors, and other types of claims. For more information, please contact us