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How Social Media Can Be Used Against Divorce Clients.

bigstock-Concerned-female-office-worker-30272459Social media, especially Facebook, has become a mainstay of daily life for many people. However,   (See the recent article from The New York Times,  “Social Media, A Trove of Clues and Confessions”).

According to information from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Facebook is frequently used in divorce evidence.  Marian Rosen was recently interviewed by Simi Sara of CKNW radio (980AM in Vancouver, BC) regarding how social media can negatively impact people during divorce proceedings.

Rosen & Spears strongly encourage litigants to consider how information posted in social media could be perceived by others in the context of a lawsuit.  We encourage you to discuss these issues with legal counsel, and follow suggested guidelines.

Click here to read the interview with Marian Rosen from February 11, 2014.

Or to listen here:

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About the author

Rosen & Spears is a plaintiff law firm which seeks to protect the rights of healthcare consumers and their loved ones through medical malpractice, nursing home neglect, financial abuse of seniors, and other types of claims. For more information, please contact us